Summer Moon BOM - Pinwheel Geese

by Christine Lux

Summer Moon - Month 2, Block 3 - Pinwheel Geese

We're wrapping up month 2 of this BOM already! It seems like the summer is just flying by. And speaking of flying ... this week's block is full of flying geese! 

As I have with all of my other blocks so far, I've cut all three sizes and then chain piece them all at the same time. This is the most efficient method for me as opposed to working on each size block individually. 

SO many geese in this one! :) 

I did want to share that when I joined the geese units together, I pinned them so that the bottom of the "triangle" was the side I followed with my presser foot. It's the edge that is the most straight and I found it worked a little better for me. (You may prefer to sew with this the other way so you can see that you are sewing the intersection of the seams a little better. (Hopefully that makes sense!) 

Once you get all those little geese made, it is pretty quick to add the rectangles and put the four patches together to complete the block. 

I do love the movement in this block! This would be a fun one to play with color placement on. Maybe an ombre effect and a dark background? So many ideas! This is one of the great things about working on a sampler quilt - so many different types of blocks to try out without having to make twenty or thirty of the same ones. Which one has been your favorite so far?

I will be taking off the Week of July 4th, so I will see you on the 10th with the start of month 3. :) 

Happy Sewing!

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